The Romulans built the Augur class battleships as rapid-response vessels to react to attacks on their territory. These sleek warbirds come packaged with side-mounted disruptors and added armor plates across their wingspan.
Augur Requirements
Augur Build Info
Max Tiers: 9
Max Levels: 45
Can Scrap? Yes
Req. Lvl: 50
Augur Recycling Time & Reward
Scrapping rewards at level 45
Scrap Time*: 44d 01h 01m
Seconds: 3,805,260
- 1,191,900,000 x Tritanium
- 77,639,350 x Dilithium
- 265,436 x 4★ Common Ore
- 15,042 x 4★ Uncommon Ore
- 2,360 x 4★ Rare Ore
- 142,927 x 4★ Common Crystal
- 8,100 x 4★ Uncommon Crystal
- 1,271 x 4★ Rare Crystal
- 446,499 x 4★ Common Battleship Parts
- 51,234 x Ship Xp
- 33,488 x 4★ Uncommon Battleship Parts
* Trit & Dil rewards are based on upgraded components.
* Scrap time will depend on the level of your Scrapyard.
Augur Upgradable Components
Augur Warp Summary
Warp 170+ systems
Augur Firing Pattern
Ship Skin Available for Augur
- TOS Bird of Prey
+70% to weapon damage against hostiles - Ship Cloaking
Unlocks the Cloaking Ability. Cloaking increases weapon damage by +140%, grants invisibility and has a 66% base chance to hide your name and alliance data from enemy Battle Reports.
- Augur Refit
Increase all base mitigation stats of the Augur by +200%.
Augur Cloaking by Tier Level
Resources to Max Out a Augur
- 11,914,500,000 Tritanium
- 517,529,000 Dilithium
- 22,100 3★ Common Crystal
- 17,025 3★ Uncommon Crystal
- 2,418 3★ Rare Crystal
- 118,650 3★ Common Ore
- 54,950 3★ Uncommon Ore
- 9,800 3★ Rare Ore
- 318,005 3★ Battleship Parts
Total Experience: 2,561,700
Augur Stats by Tier
Tier 1
Ship Ability: Obliterate
As long as the opponent’s ship is Burning, if the opponent is hit with the Obliterator weapon, the AUGUR increases all weapon damage by 50.00% (cumulative).
*Ship Abilities are always active.
Ability Bonus by Level
Level 1: 50%
Level 2: 52%
Level 3: 54%
Level 4: 56%
Level 5: 58%
Tier Build Cost
- 9,000,000 Tritanium
- 200,000 Dilithium
- 1,375 3★ Common Crystal
- 8,250 3★ Common Ore
Repair Costs
- 340,200 Tritanium
- 5,103 Dilithium
Build Time
Time: 34d 12h 0m
Seconds: 2,980,800 **
Cargo Capacity
Base: 16,000
Upgraded: 2,850
Total: 18,850
Repair Time
Time: 23h 22m
Seconds: 84,162 **
Protected Cargo
Base: 300
Upgraded: 10
Total: 310
Ship Bonus By Level and XP Needed
Tier 2
Ship Ability: Obliterate
As long as the opponent’s ship is Burning, if the opponent is hit with the Obliterator weapon, the AUGUR increases all weapon damage by 60.00% (cumulative).
*Ship Abilities are always active.
Ability Bonus by Level
Level 6: 60%
Level 7: 62%
Level 8: 64%
Level 9: 66%
Level 10: 68%
Tier Build Costs
- 76,300,000 Tritanium
- 1,754,000 Dilithium
- 2,625 3★ Common Crystal
- 10,550 3★ Common Ore
- 1,790 3★ Battleship Parts
Repair Costs
- 401,817 Tritanium
- 15,094 Dilithium
Build Time
Time: 7d 7h 0m
Seconds: 630,000 **
Cargo Capacity
Base: 22,850
Upgraded: 3,710
Total: 26,560
Repair Time
Time: 1d 1h 4m
Seconds: 90,270 **
Protected Cargo
Base: 425
Upgraded: 20
Total: 445
Ship Bonus By Level and XP Needed
Tier 3
Ship Ability: Obliterate
As long as the opponent’s ship is Burning, if the opponent is hit with the Obliterator weapon, the AUGUR increases all weapon damage by 70.00% (cumulative).
*Ship Abilities are always active.
Ability Bonus by Level
Level 11: 70%
Level 12: 72%
Level 13: 74%
Level 14: 76%
Level 15: 78%
Tier Build Costs
- 153,100,000 Tritanium
- 4,175,000 Dilithium
- 4,000 3★ Common Crystal
- 200 3★ Uncommon Crystal
- 14,700 3★ Common Ore
- 850 3★ Uncommon Ore
- 3,615 3★ Battleship Parts
Repair Costs
- 499,587 Tritanium
- 39,766 Dilithium
Build Time:
Time: 14d 14h 0m
Seconds: 1,260,000 **
Cargo Capacity
Base: 30,560
Upgraded: 4,810
Total: 35,370
Repair Time
Time: 1d 3h 45m
Seconds: 99,942 **
Protected Cargo
Base: 560
Upgraded: 20
Total: 580
Ship Bonus By Level and XP Needed
Tier 4
Ship Ability: Obliterate
As long as the opponent’s ship is Burning, if the opponent is hit with the Obliterator weapon, the AUGUR increases all weapon damage by 80.00% (cumulative).
*Ship Abilities are always active.
Ability Bonus by Level
Level 16: 80%
Level 17: 82%
Level 18: 84%
Level 19: 86%
Level 20: 88%
Tier Build Costs
- 255,300,000 Tritanium
- 8,750,000 Dilithium
- 6,600 3★ Common Crystal
- 900 3★ Uncommon Crystal
- 21,900 3★ Common Ore
- 3,850 3★ Uncommon Ore
- 6,250 3★ Battleship Parts
Repair Costs
- 602,116 Tritanium
- 50,422 Dilithium
Build Time:
Time: 24d 7h 20m
Seconds: 2,100,000 **
Cargo Capacity
Base: 39,370
Upgraded: 6,260
Total: 45,630
Repair Time
Time: 1d 6h 33m
Seconds: 110,034 **
Protected Cargo
Base: 695
Upgraded: 30
Total: 725
Ship Bonus By Level and XP Needed
Tier 5
Ship Ability: Obliterate
As long as the opponent’s ship is Burning, if the opponent is hit with the Obliterator weapon, the AUGUR increases all weapon damage by 90.00% (cumulative).
*Ship Abilities are always active.
Ability Bonus by Level
Level 21: 90%
Level 22: 92%
Level 23: 94%
Level 24: 96%
Level 25: 98%
Tier Build Costs
- 479,800,000 Tritanium
- 17,550,000 Dilithium
- 7,500 3★ Common Crystal
- 2,125 3★ Uncommon Crystal
- 8,250 3★ Common Ore
- 10,000 3★ Uncommon Ore
- 10,825 3★ Battleship Parts
Repair Costs
- 748,962 Tritanium
- 66,442 Dilithium
Build Time:
Time: 36d 11h 0m
Seconds: 3,150,000 **
Cargo Capacity
Base: 49,630
Upgraded: 8,140
Total: 57,770
Repair Time
Time: 1d 10h 0m
Seconds: 122,445 **
Protected Cargo
Base: 840
Upgraded: 30
Total: 870
Ship Bonus By Level and XP Needed
Tier 6
Ship Ability: Obliterate
As long as the opponent’s ship is Burning, if the opponent is hit with the Obliterator weapon, the AUGUR increases all weapon damage by 100.00% (cumulative).
*Ship Abilities are always active.
Ability Bonus by Level
Level 26: 100%
Level 27: 102%
Level 28: 104%
Level 29: 106%
Level 30: 108%
Tier Build Costs
- 863,000,000 Tritanium
- 35,100,000 Dilithium
- 3,200 3★ Uncommon Crystal
- 48 3★ Rare Crystal
- 16,500 3★ Common Ore
- 10,500 3★ Uncommon Ore
- 200 3★ Rare Ore
- 21,775 3★ Battleship Parts
Repair Costs
- 1,035,286 Tritanium
- 99,266 Dilithium
Build Time:
Time: 48d 14h 40m
Seconds: 4,200,000 **
Cargo Capacity
Base: 61,770
Upgraded: 10,590
Total: 72,360
Repair Time
Time: 1d 14h 30m
Seconds: 138,600 **
Protected Cargo
Base: 985
Upgraded: 50
Total: 1,035
Ship Bonus By Level and XP Needed
Tier 7
Ship Ability: Obliterate
As long as the opponent’s ship is Burning, if the opponent is hit with the Obliterator weapon, the AUGUR increases all weapon damage by 110.00% (cumulative).
*Ship Abilities are always active.
Ability Bonus by Level
Level 31: 110%
Level 32: 112%
Level 33: 114%
Level 34: 116%
Level 35: 118%
Tier Build Costs
- 1,920,000,000 Tritanium
- 82,300,000 Dilithium
- 4,600 3★ Uncommon Crystal
- 250 3★ Rare Crystal
- 38,500 3★ Common Ore
- 11,250 3★ Uncommon Ore
- 1,050 3★ Rare Ore
- 48,650 3★ Battleship Parts
Repair Costs
- 1,516,271 Tritanium
- 158,050 Dilithium
Build Time:
Time: 60d 18h 20m
Seconds: 5,250,000 **
Cargo Capacity
Base: 76,360
Upgraded: 13,760
Total: 90,120
Repair Time
Time: 1d 19h 54m
Seconds: 158,052 **
Protected Cargo
Base: 1,150
Upgraded: 60
Total: 1,210
Ship Bonus By Level and XP Needed
Tier 8
Ship Ability: Obliterate
As long as the opponent’s ship is Burning, if the opponent is hit with the Obliterator weapon, the AUGUR increases all weapon damage by 120.00% (cumulative).
*Ship Abilities are always active.
Ability Bonus by Level
Level 36: 120%
Level 37: 122%
Level 38: 124%
Level 39: 126%
Level 40: 128%
Tier Build Costs
- 3,360,000,000 Tritanium
- 148,200,000 Dilithium
- 6,000 3★ Uncommon Crystal
- 690 3★ Rare Crystal
- 6,500 3★ Uncommon Ore
- 3,150 3★ Rare Ore
- 89,850 3★ Battleship Parts
Repair Costs
- 2,469,884 Tritanium
- 283,564 Dilithium
Build Time:
Time: 78d 23h 50m
Seconds: 6,825,000 **
Cargo Capacity
Base: 94,120
Upgraded: 17,880
Total: 112,000
Repair Time
Time: 2d 0h 2m
Seconds: 172,979 **
Protected Cargo
Base: 1,325
Upgraded: 80
Total: 1,405
Ship Bonus By Level and XP Needed
Tier 9
Ship Ability: Obliterate
As long as the opponent’s ship is Burning, if the opponent is hit with the Obliterator weapon, the AUGUR increases all weapon damage by 130.00% (cumulative).
*Ship Abilities are always active.
Ability Bonus by Level
Level 41: 130%
Level 42: 132%
Level 43: 134%
Level 44: 136%
Level 45: 140%
Build Time
Time: 97d 5h 20m
Seconds: 8,400,000 **
Cargo Capacity
Base: 116,000
Upgraded: n/a
Total: 116,000
Repair Time
Time: 2d 4h 35m
Seconds: 189,300 **
Protected Cargo
Base: 1,520
Upgraded: n/a
Total: 1,520
Ship Bonus By Level and XP Needed

Augur Crews
Captain: James T. Kirk
Officer: Spock
Officer: Leonard McCoy
A decent PvP crew for the Augur.
Captain: Christopher Pike
Officer: Marlena Moreau
Officer: T’Laan
A good crew when fighting interceptors with your Augur.
Captain: Jean-Luc Picard
Officer: Beverly Crusher
Officer: Grace Chen
Got a max Chen on your team? Then pair her up with Picard and Crusher for a great combat crew against all hostiles except interceptors.