Star Trek Fleet Command Officers are probably the most important part of the game. The right crew for the right task can overcome stronger ships or defend your station against overwhelming foes. This STFC officer guide will help you better understand the characters and various ways to use them.
The tables on this page are searchable and list out all officers in the game. Click on an officer name to go to that officers page and learn more about them. Click the plus icon to open up more information.The information will be constantly updated as updates come out.
(scroll down past the main officer table or use the table of content to see additional officer information.)
List of all Star Trek Fleet Command Officers
Officer | Captain Maneuver | Officer Ability | Below Decks Ability | Group | Class | Faction | Rarity | Trait | |||
1 | TRUE | Ahvix | | Chirurgical Precision (+20% to Critical Hit Chance for the first three rounds against Eclipse hostiles.) | Shield Remodulation (% chance to reduce Eclipse hostiles’s mitigation by 40%) | Mudd’s Company | Engineering | Neutral | Rare | Engineer, Survivor | |
2 | FALSE | Airiam | | Isogen Miner | Cybernetic Tactician | Discovery Crew | Command | Federation | Uncommon | ||
3 | FALSE | Alexander Marcus | | Overpower (80% chance to inspire Morale when the opponent’s HHP is under 80%.) | Shady Methods (At the star of the battle, Alexander Marcus increases the Shield Piercing of the ship by 100% of the Defense of the crew on the ship.) | Section 31 | Command | Federation | Epic | ||
4 | FALSE | Arix | | Plasma Backlash (10% chance to cause Burning to the opponent after hitting it with an energy weapon.) | Powered Armor (+ to Armor when the ship has less than 70% Hull Health) | Nero’s Crew | Science | Romulan | Uncommon | ||
5 | FALSE | Arkady Ivanov | | Always Enthusiast (50% chance to inspire Morale for 3 rounds when the Shield is depleted) | Shields Refactor (+ to the Shield Health of the Ship) | Enterprise Crew | Command | Federation | Uncommon | ||
6 | FALSE | Arrock | | Exploit Market Opportunities: Increase mining speed when mining Concentrated Latinum by 6,500%. | Diversify: Increase mining speed by 25%. | Ferengi Conglomerate | Science | Neutral | Rare | ||
7 | FALSE | Ash Tyler | | Hold Position: When defending on a Capture Node, Ash Tyler gives all Officers on the ship a bonus of 60% to their Attack. | The Beast Inside: At the start of each round, if the opponent is Burning, Ash Tyler increases the damage of the ship by 50% of the total Attack of all officers on the ship (cumulative). | Discovery Crew | Engineering | Federation | Rare | ||
8 | FALSE | Azetbur | | Armor is Obsolete (20% chance to cause a Hull Breach for 2 rounds after hitting with a kinetic weapon.) | Contribution (+ To Armor Piercing every time the ship hits) | Klingon Patriots | Science | Klingon | Rare | ||
12 | FALSE | Badgey | | Unfit To Lead: This Officer does not have a Captain's Maneuver. Equipping this Officer as the captain of a ship provides no benefit. | Whee! Murder! Badgey decreases the Armor, Shield Deflection, and Dodge of enemy ships by 5%. | Haha! You're Going To Die! Badgey increases Armor Penetration, Shield Penetration, and Accuracy by 15%. | Lower Decks Crew | Science | Federation | Uncommon | |
11 | FALSE | Ba'el | | Klingon Valor: Ba'el increases the ship's Weapon Damage by 25%. | Romulan Tact: Ba'el increases the ship's Armor by 200% of total Crew Attack. | Khitomer’s Revenge | Engineering | Klingon | Rare | ||
13 | FALSE | Barot | | Crystal Mining (+40% to Crystal Mining rate) | Deceptive Weakness (-10% to the opponent’s Hull Health at the start of combat if attacked while mining) | Surveyors & Miners | Science | Neutral | Rare | ||
14 | FALSE | Beckett Mariner | | Unfit To Lead: This Officer does not have a Captain's Maneuver. Equipping this Officer as the captain of a ship provides no benefit. | Get It Together! Beckett Mariner increases the Attack of all Officers on the ship by 5%. | Winging' It Beckett Mariner increases the ship's Weapon Damage by 70%. | Lower Decks Crew | Command | Federation | Epic | |
15 | FALSE | Benjamin Sisko | | Defensive Measures: Benjamin Sisko increases Armor, Shield Deflection, and Dodge by 400% of total Health when fighting Armadas. | Persistence Is Key: Benjamin Sisko increases critical hit chance against Armadas by 3% every round (Cumulative). | Deep Space Nine | Command | Federation | Epic | ||
10 | FALSE | B'Etor | | Behind the Scenes: When on a ship that can use cloaking, B'Etor increases the duration the ship can stay cloaked by 20%. | Varied Income Streams: When on the Amalgam, B'Etor boosts the Amalgam's bonus loot ship ability by 10%. | Pride of Romulus | Science | Romulan | Rare | ||
16 | FALSE | Beverly Crusher | | First, Do No Harm: When fighting Hostiles and Armadas, Beverly Crusher restores Shield Health each round equal to 200% of the Health of all Officers on the ship. | Unshakeable Moral Code: When fighting Hostiles and Armadas, Beverly Crusher increases Armor, Shield Deflection, and Dodge by 150% of the Defense of all Officers on the ship. | TNG Crew | Science | Federation | Rare | ||
18 | FALSE | Brad Boimler | | Unfit To Lead: This Officer does not have a Captain's Maneuver. Equipping this Officer as the captain of a ship provides no benefit. | The Real Action: Brad Boimler increases Armor Piercing, Shield Piercing, and Accuracy by 30%. | The Boimler Effect: Brad Boimler increases Armor, Shield Deflection, and Dodge by 50%. | Lower Decks Crew | Command | Federation | Rare | |
19 | FALSE | Cadet Hikaru Sulu | | Big Shot (+5% to Damage for the first round) | Fighting Spirit (+5% to the Attack of all the officers in the ship) | Another Time | Command | Federation | Common | ||
20 | FALSE | Cadet James T. Kirk | | Motivational (+8% to all Officer stats on the Bridge) | Tactician (+ to Weapon Damage) | Another Time | Command | Federation | Common | ||
21 | FALSE | Cadet Leonard McCoy | | Doctor (+10% to Officers Health on the ship) | Psychologist (+ to the effectiveness of the Captain Maneuver) | Another Time | Science | Federation | Common | ||
22 | FALSE | Cadet Montgomery Scott | | Sturdy Ship (+10% to Hull Health) | Warp Theory (+ Warp Distance) | Another Time | Engineering | Federation | Common | ||
23 | FALSE | Cadet Nyota Uhura | | Scan the enemy (-10% to the opponent’s ship Weapon Damage) | Negotiations (+ to Shield Health) | Another Time | Engineering | Federation | Common | ||
24 | FALSE | Captain Tilly | | Ruthlessness: When attacking on a capture node, at the start of each turn, as long as the opponent's ship has a Hull Breach, Captain Tilly increases the Armor Piercing, Shield Piercing and Accuracy of the ship by 50% of the total Defense of all Officers on the ship (cumulative). | Sadistic: At the start of each round, if the opponent has a Hull Breach, Captain Tilly increases the Armor, Shield deflection and Dodge by 50% of the total Health of all Officers on the ship (cumulative). | Terran Empire | Engineering | Neutral | Rare | ||
25 | FALSE | Carol Marcus | | Applied Science (-40% To Opponent Damage when defending in battle) | Weapons Expert (+ to Weapon Damage) | Auxiliary Controls | Science | Federation | Epic | ||
26 | FALSE | Cath | | Rely on Nobody: Cath increases the Repair Cost Efficiency of the ship by 40%. | Show Them What You Can Do: If the opponent is a Hostile, Cath decreases the Damage done by its Kinetic Weapons by 12%. Works against Hostiles of level 51 and under. | Ferengi Conglomerate | Command | Neutral | Rare | ||
28 | FALSE | Chang | | Cry Havoc (+10% to Damage if the opponent’s Hull Health under 60%) | Dogs of War (chance to delay opponent’s weapon fire for 1 round with a Critical Hit on a Hull Breach) | Klingon Patriots | Command | Klingon | Rare | ||
30 | FALSE | Christopher Pike | | Teaching Moments (+20% to the effectiveness of all bridge officer abilities) | Advanced Training (+ to Ship XP earned with this ship) | Shakedown Cruise | Command | Federation | Epic | ||
33 | FALSE | Damar | | Dominion Collaborator: While on an Interceptor fighting a player ship with Hull Breach, if Damar scores a Critical Hit, increase Critical Hit Chance by 2% once per Weapon for the remainder of battle. | Liquid Courage: While on an Interceptor fighting a player ship with Hull Breach, if Damar scores a Critical Hit, decrease opponent Critical Hit Damage by 25% once per Weapon for 3 rounds. | Interceptor Strike Team | Engineering | Neutral | Rare | ||
34 | FALSE | Data | | Positronic Precision: When fighting Hostiles and Armadas, Data increases the Critical Hit Chance by 17%. | Effort Yields Its Own Rewards: When fighting non-player targets (including Mission Hostiles), Data increases Armor Piercing, Shield Piercing, and Accuracy by 60%. | TNG Crew | Science | Federation | Epic | ||
35 | FALSE | Deanna Troi | | Telepathic Predictions: Deanna Troi reduces the Crit Chance of Armada Targets by 15%. | Nemesis: Deanna Troi increases Weapon Damage against Romulan Hostiles and Romulan Armadas by 100%. | TNG Crew | Science | Federation | Epic | ||
36 | FALSE | Decius | | Reckless (+10% to Accuracy and Armor Piercing and Shield Piercing against stronger ships) | Honor Guard (+ to Damage each time the ship gets hit) | Romulan Patriots | Science | Romulan | Rare | ||
31 | FALSE | D'jaoki | | War of Endurance (+10% to the Officers Health for 1 min after winning) | Shatter Defenses (– of the crew’s Health malus to the opponent’s Armor, Shield Deflection and Dodge while Burning) | Romulan Patriots | Command | Romulan | Uncommon | ||
39 | FALSE | Domitia | | Dilithium Miner (+40% to Dilithium mining rate) | Hurry Home (+ to Warp speed when the Cargo is full) | Surveyors & Miners | Science | Romulan | Common | ||
32 | FALSE | D'Vana Tendi | | Unfit To Lead: This Officer does not have a Captain's Maneuver. Equipping this Officer as the captain of a ship provides no benefit. | Yay, Friends! D'Vana Tendi increases the Health of all Officers on the ship by 5%. | Fix It Right Up! D'Vana Tendi increases the ship's Hull Health by 75%. | Lower Decks Crew | Science | Federation | Epic | |
40 | FALSE | Eight of Eleven | | Fight the Collective: When fighting a Borg ship, Eight of Eleven increases the Chance of dealing a critical hit by 10%. | Cybernetic Enhancements: Eight of Eleven increases the Attack of every Officer on the ship by 45%. | Unimatrix Twelve | Engineering | Borg | Uncommon | ||
41 | FALSE | Elea Mäkinen | | Advanced Mining: Elea Mäkinen increases the Mining Speed of the ship by 10%. | Isogen Mining: Elea Mäkinen increases the rate of Isogen Mining by 20%. | Surveyors & Miners | Science | Federation | Uncommon | ||
42 | FALSE | Eleven of Eleven | | Efficient Crystal Acquisition: Eleven of Eleven increases Crystal mining speed by 60%. | Advanced Warp Theory: Eleven of Eleven increases Warp Speed by 30%. | Unimatrix Twelve | Science | Borg | Epic | ||
43 | FALSE | Emperor Georgiou | | Imperatorial Attack: Decreases the opponent crew's Defense by a stacking 100% of base each round when attacking a player during a Takeover. | Bombardment : When attacking a player on a capture node, at the start of each round, Emperor Georgiou increases the number of shots of each weapon by 0.17. (cumulative) | Terran Empire | Command | Neutral | Rare | ||
44 | FALSE | Eurydice | | Opportunist: When the ship loses Shield Health from a weapon attack, Eurydice increases the damage of the weapons by 10% (cumulative). | Delta Quadrant Technology: When the shields are depleted, Eurydice has a 35% chance to heal the Shield Health by 5%. | Mudd’s Company | Engineering | Neutral | Epic | ||
45 | FALSE | Fess | | Pursue Profit Where You Find It: When the shields are depleted, Eurydice has a 35% chance to heal the Shield Health by 5%. | Cut Corners If You Need To: Reduce protected cargo by 30%. | Ferengi Conglomerate | Engineering | Neutral | Rare | ||
46 | FALSE | Five of Eleven | | Weaponry is irrelevant (200% of the crew’s Health bonus to Mitigation) | You will be assimilated (+ to resources dropped by hostiles) | Unimatrix Twelve | Engineering | Borg | Epic | ||
47 | FALSE | Four Of Eleven | | Efficient Ore Acquisition: Four of Eleven increases Ore mining speed by 60%. | Cargo Optimization Algorithms: Four of Eleven increases Cargo size by 40%. | Unimatrix Twelve | Engineering | Borg | Epic | ||
48 | FALSE | Frank Leslie | | Minor Damage Control (5% Restored to Hull Health when it is under 35%) | Battleship Trainer (+ to Ship XP earned on Battleships) | Shakedown Cruise | Engineering | Federation | Uncommon | ||
49 | FALSE | Gabriel Lorca | | Manipulation: When fighting players, at the start of each round, if the opponent has Hull Breach, Lorca decreases the opponent's Weapon damage by 100% for this turn. | Quick Thinking: At the beginning of each round, Lorca has a 50% chance of dealing Hull Breach to the opponent's ship for 2 rounds. | Terran Empire | Science | Neutral | Epic | ||
50 | FALSE | Gaila | | Parsteel Hunter (+25% to Parsteel rewards from Hostiles) | Critical Avoidance (– to Critical Damage from Hostiles) | Starfleet Academy | Engineering | Federation | Common | ||
51 | FALSE | Garak | | Plain, Simple Garak: While on an Interceptor fighting a player ship with Hull Breach, Garak reduces opponent Kinetic Weapon Damage by 5% each round. | Outcast Spy: While on an Interceptor fighting a player ship with Hull Breach, Garak increases Critical Hit Chance by 30% each round. | Interceptor Strike Team | Science | Neutral | Rare | ||
52 | FALSE | Gary Mitchell | | Home Protector (+20% to all Officer Stats on Board when defending the station) | Think or Sink (+ to Damage for one round when hit by a Critical Hit) | Auxiliary Controls | Command | Federation | Epic | ||
53 | FALSE | Geoffrey Hadley | | Galaxy Traveler (+15% Officer XP gained from combat) | Survey Trainer (+ to Experience gained on Survey ships) | Shakedown Cruise | Engineering | Federation | Common | ||
54 | FALSE | Geordi La Forge | | Field-Strip a Fusion Reactor: Geordi La Forge increases the rewards your ship receives from defeated Armada Targets by 50%. | The Mind’s Eye: Geordi La Forge increases Weapon Damage against Klingon Hostiles and Klingon Armadas by 100%. | TNG Crew | Engineering | Federation | Epic | ||
55 | FALSE | Georgiou | | Never Fire First: At the start of each round, if the opponent is Burning , Captain Georgiou decreases the Attack of all Officers on the opponent's ship by 100% for that round. | Deceptive Warfare: At the beginning of each round, Georgiou has a 50% chance of Burning the opponent's ship for 2 rounds. | Discovery Crew | Command | Federation | Epic | ||
57 | FALSE | Ghrush | | What's Mine Is Mine: Ghrush increases the Protected Cargo of the ship by 100%. | Fight or Flight: Ghrush increases the Warp Range of the ship by 6%. | Syndicate | Command | Neutral | Epic | ||
58 | FALSE | Goon | | Grizzled Veteran: When fighting Hostiles, Goon increases the chances of dealing a Critical Hit by 20% for the first round of combat. | Military Training: Goon increases the Ship XP gained by the ship from fighting by 15%. | Mudd’s Company | Science | Neutral | Uncommon | ||
59 | FALSE | Gorkon | | Quick Victory (+10% bonus to Critical Hit Chances for the first 2 Rounds) | Creating Opportunities (chance to cause a Hull Breach for 3 Rounds when hitting with a Critical Hit) | Klingon Patriots | Command | Klingon | Epic | ||
61 | FALSE | Gowron | | Glorious Gaze: Gowron increases the ship's Energy Weapon Damage by 50%. | Wartime Chancellor: Gowron increases the ship's Shield Deflection by 200% of total Crew Health. | Khitomer’s Revenge | Science | Klingon | Rare | ||
62 | FALSE | Grace Chen | | Modifications (+20% to the Dodge, Shield Deflection and Armor of the ship against Hostiles) | Energy Absorber (– To energy damage dealt by enemy Hostiles) | Starfleet Academy | Science | Federation | Uncommon | ||
63 | FALSE | Gul Dukat | | Prefect of Bajor: While on an Interceptor fighting a player ship, at the start of a round Gul Dukat has 20% chance to apply Hull Breach to it for 3 rounds. | Manic Ambition: When shot while on an Interceptor fighting a player ship with Hull Breach, Gul Dukat increases the number of shots by 25% once per Weapon for 5 rounds. | Interceptor Strike Team | Command | Neutral | Epic | ||
65 | FALSE | Harcourt Fenton Mudd (Harry) | | The Ultimate Con (When the ship takes damage from an Armada Target, Harry Mudd decreases the weapon damage of that Armada Target by 10% for this round.) | Down but Never Out (When the ship’s Shield Health is depleted, Harry Mudd increases the Weapon Damage of the ship by 200% for the rest of the combat.) | Mudd’s Company | Command | Rogues | Epic | ||
67 | FALSE | Helvia | | Parsteel Miner (+40% to Parsteel mining rate) | Gold Rush (+ to Warp speed when the Cargo is empty) | Surveyors & Miners | Command | Romulan | Common | ||
68 | FALSE | Hendorff | | Excellent Security (+20% to Dodge, Armor and Shield Deflection when Hull Health is below 60% of its Hull health at the start of the battle.) | Explorer Trainer (+ to Ship XP on Explorers) | Shakedown Cruise | Engineering | Federation | Uncommon | ||
69 | FALSE | Hikaru Sulu | | Do Not Test Me (40% chance to Inspire Morale after being hit by a critical hit) | Ranking Fire (+ to Energy Damage when the ship has Morale) | Enterprise Crew | Command | Federation | Uncommon | ||
70 | FALSE | Honorguard Worf | | Soldier of the Empire: When fighting other players, Honorguard Worf increases the ship's Armor Piercing by 30% of Crew Attack whenever the ship scores a critical hit. | Rage of Khitomer: When fighting other players, Honorguard Worf increases the ship's Armor Piercing by 30% of Crew Attack whenever the ship scores a critical hit. | Khitomer’s Revenge | Command | Klingon | Epic | ||
72 | FALSE | Hugh Culber | | Protective: When defending on a Capture Node, Hugh Culber increases Armor by 50% of the total Health of the Officers on the ship. | Learned from the Best: Hugh increases the Cost Efficiency of Jumping and Summoning with the Discovery by 5%. | Discovery Crew | Science | Federation | Uncommon | ||
74 | FALSE | Instructor Spock | | Knowledgeable (+5% to Damage) | Kobayashi Maru (+ to Dodge, Shield Deflection and Armor) | Another Time | Science | Federation | Common | ||
75 | FALSE | Jabilo M’Benga | | Break Through (+10% to Armor Piercing, Shield Piercing and Accuracy when defending the Station) | Slip Through (+ to Dodge, Armor and Shield when defending the Station) | Auxiliary Controls | Science | Federation | Common | ||
77 | FALSE | James T. Kirk | | Leader (40% to all Officer stats when the ship has Morale) | Inspirational (chance to inspire Morale to his ship each round for 2 rounds) | Enterprise Crew | Command | Federation | Epic | ||
78 | FALSE | Javaid | | Overwhelming Fire (+20% to Shield Piercing) | Reinforcements (+ to Armor if the ship is a Battleship) | Nero’s Crew | Command | Romulan | Uncommon | ||
79 | FALSE | Jaylah | | Scavenger: Jaylah increases the amount of resources you get from killing hostiles by 100% while on the Franklin and Franklin-A. | The Beats and Shouting! When Jaylah is on the Franklin and fighting Swarm hostiles, Jaylah increases the number of shots of the Franklin and Franklin-A by 1. | Jaylah | Engineering | Neutral | Epic | ||
80 | FALSE | Jean-Luc Picard | | Make It So: Jean-Luc Picard increases the effectiveness of all Officer Abilities that trigger in combat by 20%. | Engage: Jean-Luc Picard increases your Critical Hit Damage by 5%. | TNG Crew | Command | Federation | Epic | ||
81 | FALSE | Joachim | | Patient Tactician (50% chances to drastically increase the ship’s mitigation against a Station for the first round.) | Unflinching Resolve (– to all opponent’s ships and defense platforms damage in Station Combat) | Khan’s Crew | Science | Augment | Rare | ||
82 | FALSE | Joaquin | | Firewall Protection (+50% to this ship’s Protected Cargo) | Data Miner (+ to Corrupted and Decoded Data Mining Speed) | Khan’s Crew | Command | Augment | Uncommon | ||
83 | FALSE | John Harrison | | Weapon Designer (+20% to Damage against Explorers) | Sabotage (% of the opponent’s Shield ignored for the first round of combat.) | Section 31 | Science | Federation | Rare | ||
86 | FALSE | Kang | | Dahar Master (80% chance to cause Hull Breach for 3 rounds at start of Combat) | Blood Oath (% of the crew’s Attack bonus to Accuracy) | Blood & Honor | Command | Klingon | Epic | ||
88 | FALSE | Kati | | Hail of Fire (+4% Critical Hit Chances against Defense Platforms) | Enhanced Weaponry (+ Critical Hit Damage in Station Combat) | Khan’s Crew | Science | Augment | Uncommon | ||
85 | FALSE | K’Bisch | | Tritanium Miner (+40% to Tritanium mining rate) | Defensive Mining (– to Damage taken when mining) | Surveyors & Miners | Engineering | Klingon | Common | ||
89 | FALSE | Keenser | | Emergency Repairs (+20% to Hull Health as long as the ship is in the station.) | Fine Tuning (+ to Shield Health as long as the ship is in the station.) | Auxiliary Controls | Engineering | Federation | Rare | ||
90 | FALSE | Kerla | | Evasive Maneuvers (+50% to Dodge when the Shields are depleted) | Attack Maneuvers (+ to Critical Damage with Kinetic weapons) | Klingon Patriots | Engineering | Klingon | Rare | ||
91 | FALSE | Khan Noonien Singh | | Ruthless Mastermind (50% chances to drastically reduce the opponent’s station and ships Mitigation for 2 rounds) | Savage Tenacity (+1% to Critical Hit chances every time the ship gets hit) | Khan’s Crew | Command | Augment | Epic | ||
92 | FALSE | Kira Nerys | | Unfit To Lead: This Officer does not have a Captain's Maneuver. Equipping this Officer as the captain of a ship provides no benefit. | Steel Determination: Kira Nerys decreases Shield Mitigation by 4% at an Assault. | Guerrilla Strategy: Kira Nerys reduces opponent player Critical Hit Chance by 10%. | Deep Space Nine | Command | Federation | Rare | |
93 | FALSE | Klaa | | Hot Pursuit (+25% to Impulse Speed) | Critical Strike (+ to Critical Hit Damage) | Glory in the Kill | Command | Klingon | Uncommon | ||
94 | FALSE | Komal | | Battleship Specialist (+20% to Weapon Damage of Battleships against players) | Resist Kinetic (– to Kinetic Weapon Damage from enemy player’s ships) | Glory in the Kill | Engineering | Klingon | Common | ||
95 | FALSE | Koth | | Interceptor Overseer (+20% to Repair speed on this ship if it is an Interceptor) | Open Them Up (+ to Kinetic damage while the opponent has a Hull Breach) | Klingon Patriots | Engineering | Klingon | Uncommon | ||
96 | FALSE | Kras | | Art of War (-20% to opponent’s Captain’s Maneuver effectiveness) | Know your Enemy (– To all the stats of the opponent’s Bridge Officers) | Glory in the Kill | Science | Klingon | Epic | ||
97 | FALSE | Krell | | Retribution (30% chance of dealing Hull Breach for 1 round when receiving Shield HP damage) | Federation Contacts (+ of the crew’s Defense bonus to Damage against Federation ships) | Blood & Honor | Engineering | Klingon | Rare | ||
98 | FALSE | Kumak | | Discipline (+5% to all Officer Stats each round) | Watch the World burn (+ To Armor, Shield Deflection and Dodge when the opponent is Burning) | Nero’s Crew | Command | Romulan | Rare | ||
99 | FALSE | Kuron | | No Negotiations (50% chance to automatically recharge the first kinetic hit) | Merciless Pursue (+ to Impulse Speed after destroying a ship.) | Blood & Honor | Command | Klingon | Rare | ||
101 | FALSE | Leonard McCoy | | I’m a Doctor, not a … (+20% bonus to Officer Abilities during combat) | Excellent Medicine (+ to the Defense of the Bridge Officers when hit) | Enterprise Crew | Science | Federation | Rare | ||
102 | FALSE | Linkasa | | Way of the Klingon (10% to the Officers Defense for 1 min after winning) | Defensive Tactics (% of the crew’s attack bonus to Armor) | Blood & Honor | Engineering | Klingon | Uncommon | ||
103 | FALSE | Liviana Charvanek | | Romulan Tactician (80% chance to cause Burning for 3 rounds when Hull Health is lower than 80%) | Mind Games (% of the crew’s Health bonus to Armor Piercing) | Romulan Patriots | Command | Romulan | Epic | ||
104 | FALSE | Livis | | Wartime Repairs (+10% to Repair speed on this ship if it is a Battleship) | Bolstered (+ to this ship’s max Hull Health if it is a Battleship) | Nero’s Crew | Engineering | Romulan | Rare | ||
100 | FALSE | L’Nar | | Romulan Health (+20% to the Health of the Bridge Officers) | Klingon Pursue (% of the crew’s attack bonus to Damage against Klingon ships) | Romulan Patriots | Engineering | Romulan | Uncommon | ||
105 | FALSE | Lucia Gonzales | | Solution Finder (+8% to Critical chance against Hostiles) | Problem Solver (+ to Critical Hit Damage against Hostiles) | Starfleet Academy | Command | Federation | Uncommon | ||
106 | FALSE | Lursa | | Adapt As Necessary: When on a ship that can use cloaking, Lursa decreases the cloaking cooldown by 30%. | Fear is Power: When attacking other players, Lursa decreases the opponent's Weapon Damage by 25%. | Pride of Romulus | Engineering | Romulan | Uncommon | ||
108 | FALSE | Mae Darwin | | Defending Power (+10% to Weapon Damage when attacked by a player) | Interceptor Trainer (+ to Ship XP earned on Interceptors) | Shakedown Cruise | Engineering | Federation | Common | ||
109 | FALSE | Mara | | Icy Analyst (+20% to Damage against Interceptors) | Wife of a Dahar (– every round to opponent’s Dodge when it has a Hull Breach) | Blood & Honor | Science | Klingon | Rare | ||
110 | FALSE | Marla McGivers | | History Repeats Itself (+20% to this ship’s Repair Speed) | Let Me Help You (+ to this ship’s Captain stats) | Khan’s Crew | Engineering | Augment | Rare | ||
111 | FALSE | Marlena Moreau | | Keep Going (40% Shield Health healed after winning) | No Fear (– to Hostiles Penetration.) | Shakedown Cruise | Science | Federation | Rare | ||
112 | FALSE | Martok | | Supreme Commander: Martok increases the ship's Kinetic Weapon Damage by 50%. | Unwavering Loyalty: Martok increases the ship's Dodge by 200% of total Crew Defense. | Khitomer’s Revenge | Engineering | Klingon | Rare | ||
113 | FALSE | Mavery | | Secret Compartments: Increase Max Cargo by 40%. | Hasty Extraction: Increase Crystal, Gas and Ore Mining speed by 100%. | Syndicate | Science | Neutral | Epic | ||
114 | FALSE | Michael Burnham | | Steadfast: Michael Burnham increases the Impulse Speed of the ship by 15. | Intuitive: When fighting players, for each weapon attack that hits the opponent, Michael Burnham removes 30% of the total Attack of all Officers on your Ship from the opponent's Shield Health. | Discovery Crew | Science | Federation | Epic | ||
115 | FALSE | Miles O'Brien | | Unfit To Lead: This Officer does not have a Captain's Maneuver. Equipping this Officer as the captain of a ship provides no benefit. | Luck Of The Irish: For 3 rounds, Miles O'Brien has a 25% chance of increasing shots against an Armada by 100%. | Warp Core Tuning: Miles O'Brien increases the ship's base Warp Speed by 70%. | Deep Space Nine | Engineering | Federation | Rare | |
116 | FALSE | Mirek | | Burning Vengeance (20% chance to cause Burning for 1 round when the ship is hit) | Acid bitterness (% of the crew’s defense bonus to Damage against Federation ships) | Romulan Patriots | Science | Romulan | Rare | ||
117 | FALSE | Montgomery Scott | | Miracle Worker (+10% to this ship’s repair speed) | Born Engineer (+ to this ship’s Hull Health) | Enterprise Crew | Engineering | Federation | Uncommon | ||
107 | FALSE | M’Ral | | On the Hunt (+20% to Armor Piercing) | Strengthener (+ bonus to the Attack of the crew) | Klingon Patriots | Command | Klingon | Uncommon | ||
64 | FALSE | Harcourt Fenton Mudd (Mudd) | | Two steps ahead: Harcourt Fenton Mudd has a 40% chance to raise shield mitigation to 98% for the first two rounds of combat. | 823 ways to die: Harcourt Fenton Mudd has a 20% chance to double the shots of all the weapons of the ship for the first round of combat. | Mudd’s Company | Science | Neutral | Epic | ||
118 | FALSE | Navi | | Drastic Measures (At the start of each round, if the ship has a Hull Breach, Navi increases the Critical Hit damage bonus by 20% for this round.) | Guardian Angel (At the start of each round, if the ship has a Hull Breach, Navi increases the Armor, Shield Deflection, and Dodge of the ship by 50% for this round.) | Khan’s Crew | Science | Augments | Rare | ||
120 | FALSE | Nero | | Joy In Vengeance (+40% to Damage when the enemy ship is Burning) | See the Flaws (chance to cause Burning to the enemy when hitting it) | Nero’s Crew | Engineering | Romulan | Epic | ||
121 | FALSE | Next Gen Crusher | | Hypospray: Next Gen Crusher increases the Health of all Officers on the ship by 10%. | The Dancing Doctor: During combat, Next Gen Crusher increases the effectiveness of the Captain Maneuver by 4% | Next Gen | Science | Federation | Common | ||
122 | FALSE | Next Gen Data | | The Measure of a Man: Next Gen Data increases the Attack, Defense and Health of all Officers on the Bridge by 8%. | Power Play: Next Gen Data increases the Weapon damage of the ship by 5%. | Next Gen | Command | Federation | Common | ||
123 | FALSE | Next Gen La Forge | | Timeless: Next Gen La Forge decreases the Weapon Damage of the opponent's ship by 10%. | Rerouting Power: Next Gen La Forge increases the Shield Health of the ship by 5%. | Next Gen | Engineering | Federation | Common | ||
124 | FALSE | Next Gen Riker | | The Riker Maneuver: Next Gen Riker increases the damage of the first shots of the ship by 5% for the first round. | The Riker Lean: Next Gen Riker increases the Attack of all the Officers on the ship by 5%. | Next Gen | Command | Federation | Common | ||
125 | FALSE | Next Gen Troi | | Face of the Enemy: Next Gen Troi increases the Weapon Damage of the ship by 5%. | Empathic: Next Gen Troi increases the Shield Deflection, Armor and Dodge of the ship by 5%. | Next Gen | Science | Federation | Common | ||
126 | FALSE | Nine of Eleven | | Borg Polarization (-10% to opponent Borg Critical Hit Chance) | Adapt & Overcome (+ to the Defense of all Officers on the Ship) | Unimatrix Twelve | Command | Borg | Uncommon | ||
127 | FALSE | Nyota Uhura | | Hailing Frequencies Open (50% chance to delay opponent’s fire by 1 round when the Shield is depleted) | Target That Signal (+ to this ship’s Accuracy) | Enterprise Crew | Engineering | Federation | Rare | ||
129 | FALSE | Officer 0718 | | Station Knowledge (+4% to Critical Hit chances when defending the station) | Computer Precision (+ to the Defense of all Officers on the ship) | Auxiliary Controls | Science | Federation | Uncommon | ||
188 | FALSE | TOS Pavel Chekov | | Young Genius: TOS Chekov increases the Impulse Speed of Explorers by 10. | Security Plans: When attacked while on a Capture or Mining Node by a player, TOS Chekov decreases the opponent's damage by 30%. | TOS Enterprise Crew | Command | Federation | Rare | ||
130 | FALSE | One of Eleven | | Adaptive Shielding (+5% damage mitigated by the shields.) | Bodyguard (+ to the Protected Cargo of the ship) | Unimatrix Twelve | Command | Borg | Rare | ||
131 | FALSE | Origins Burnham | | Vulcan Hello: Origins Burnham increases the Attack of all the Officers on the ship by 15. | Risk-Taker: Origins Burnham increases the Weapon Damage of the ship by 7%. | Discovery Origins | Command | Federation | Uncommon | ||
132 | FALSE | Origins Saru | | Vigilant: Origins Saru increases the Defense of all the Officers on the ship by 10. | Prey Instinct: Origins Saru increases the Hull Health of the ship by 5%. | Discovery Origins | Science | Federation | Common | ||
133 | FALSE | Origins Stamets | | Biologist: Origins Stamets increases the Health of all the Officers on the ship by 10. | No Time To Waste: Origins Stamets increases the Warp Speed of the ship by 30%. | Discovery Origins | Engineering | Federation | Common | ||
134 | FALSE | Otto | | Smash the Defenses (+20% damage to Defense Platforms) | Brute Force (+ Attack to every Officer on the Bridge of the ship) | Khan’s Crew | Engineering | Augment | Uncommon | ||
135 | FALSE | Pan | | Getting up to Speed (Pan increases the Impulse Speed of the ship by 20%.) | Mistakes were made (At the start of each round, Pan has a 25% chance of applying a Hull Breach to his own ship for 3 rounds.) | Khan’s Crew | Engineering | Augments | Rare | ||
136 | FALSE | Paul Stamets | | Network Navigator: Stamets increases the Cost Efficiency of Jumping and Summoning with the Discovery by 20%. | Snarky Genius: When defending against a Player, Stamets decreases the opponent's Armor Piercing by 40%. | Discovery Crew | Engineering | Federation | Rare | ||
137 | FALSE | Paul Zhou | | Fresh perspectives (+15% to Officer Defense on the bridge of the ship) | Upper hand (add % of the crew’s Defense to Dodge, Armor and Shield Deflection while having Morale) | Section 31 | Command | Federation | Uncommon | ||
143 | FALSE | Qa’ug | | Excel under Pressure (-35% to all the opponent Officer stats if the player’s ship receives a Hull Breach) | Blood and Honor (+ to accuracy when the player’s ship receives a Hull Breach) | Blood & Honor | Science | Klingon | Uncommon | ||
144 | FALSE | Quark | | Don't Let Them Take Anything: Increase protected cargo by 90%. | Take Everything They Have: Increase mining speed by 80%. | Ferengi Conglomerate | Command | Neutral | Epic | ||
145 | FALSE | Raphaël DuPont | | Grade III Miner: Raphaël DuPont increases the rate of G3 Crystal, Gas and Ore Mining by 35%. | Hidden Stash: Raphaël DuPont increases the Protected Cargo by 50%. | Surveyors & Miners | Engineering | Federation | Rare | ||
146 | FALSE | Reginald Barclay | | Unfit To Lead: This Officer does not have a Captain's Maneuver. Equipping this Officer as the captain of a ship provides no benefit. | Win Them Over: Reginald Barclay increases the base Defense of all Officers by 5%. | Bolstered Ship's Stores: Reginald Barclay increases the ship's base Protected Cargo by 30%. | Holodeck | Engineering | Federation | Epic | |
147 | FALSE | Rima | | You’ll pay for that (At the start of each round, if the ship has a Hull Breach, Rima increases the Damage of the ship by 40% for this round.) | Systems Critical (At the start of each round, if the ship has a Hull Breach, Rima adds 5% to Critical Hit Chances) | Khan’s Crew | Command | Augments | Rare | ||
148 | FALSE | Ro Mudd | | Endless Ambition: Ro Mudd increases her stats by 50% when she is the captain. | Fatal Charm: At the start of combat, Ro Mudd has a 20% chance of increasing the Damage dealt by the ship by 300% of the total Attack of all officers on the ship for the whole combat. | Mudd’s Company | Command | Neutral | Rare | ||
149 | FALSE | Rom | | Decline Their Generosity: When attacking a station, Rom delays opponent ship and defense platform Weapon Fire for 1 round.This ability does not gain synergy group benefits. | Impress With Your Opulence: When attacking a station, Rom increases the number of shots of the ship's weapons by 50%. | Ferengi Conglomerate | Engineering | Neutral | Epic | ||
150 | FALSE | Rukor | | Explorer Specialist (+20% to Weapon Damage of Explorers against players) | Energy Boost (+ to Energy Weapon Damage against other player ships) | Glory in the Kill | Command | Klingon | Common | ||
151 | FALSE | Sam Rutherford | | Unfit To Lead: This Officer does not have a Captain's Maneuver. Equipping this Officer as the captain of a ship provides no benefit. | I Hope This Works... Sam Rutherford increases Armor, Shield Deflection, and Dodge by 30%. | Cybernetic Overclocking: Sam Rutherford increases the ship's Shield Health by 50%. | Lower Decks Crew | Engineering | Federation | Rare | |
152 | FALSE | Saru | | Precautions: When fighting players, every time your ship is hit by a Critical Hit, Saru decreases the Critical Hit Chance of the opponent's ship by 10%. | Avoid Danger: When fighting players, Saru decreases the opponent's weapon damage by 30%. | Discovery Crew | Command | Federation | Rare | ||
153 | FALSE | Sela | | Hit Them Where It Hurts: While cloaked, Sela increases Critical Hit Damage by 50%. | Civilized Persistence: When fighting other players, Sela decreases the enemy's Critical Hit Chance by 2% every time the ship scores a hit. | Pride of Romulus | Command | Romulan | Epic | ||
154 | FALSE | Sesha | | Always on Guard: If the opponent is an Eclipse hostile (including Armada Targets), Sesha has a 20% chance to reduce the opponent's Critical Hit Chance by 15% | Intimidation: For the first three rounds of combat, when fighting Eclipse hostiles (including Armada Targets), Sesha increases the Critical Damage Bonus of the ship by 20%. | Mudd’s Company | Science | Neutral | Common | ||
155 | FALSE | Seven of Eleven | | Resistance is Futile (20% chance of adding 2 shots to each weapon when fighting Borg Tactical Probes) | Strengthen the Unimatrix (+ to the Health of all Officers on the ship) | Unimatrix Twelve | Science | Borg | Rare | ||
157 | FALSE | Severus | | Spreading Fire (–10% to the opponent’s Hull Health each round if the player’s ship is Burning) | Exploit Overheat (+ to Damage if the player’s ship is Burning) | Romulan Patriots | Engineering | Romulan | Uncommon | ||
158 | FALSE | Shev Akria | | Tritanium Hunter (+25% to Tritanium rewards from Hostiles) | Justice Dealer (+ to Energy damage against Hostiles) | Starfleet Academy | Engineering | Federation | Common | ||
159 | FALSE | Six Of Eleven | | We are the Borg (20% of Defense removed from opponent’s SHP when hitting the opponent) | Defenses are irrelevant (% of Attack added to Penetration values when firing at Armada Targets) | Unimatrix Twelve | Command | Borg | Epic | ||
160 | FALSE | SNW Christopher Pike | | Prepared For Anything: When fighting hostiles, SNW Pike increases Shield Mitigation by 4%. | Quick Thinking: When fighting hostiles, SNW Pike decreases hostile Shield Mitigation by 10%. | Strange New Worlds | Command | Federation | Epic | ||
161 | FALSE | SNW Erica Ortegas | | Defensive Flaws: When fighting hostiles, SNW Ortegas increases critical hit chance against hostiles by 15%. | Frequency Plating: SNW Ortegas increases Armor, Shield Deflection, and Dodge by 500% of total Health when attacking hostile Explorers from a Battleship. | Strange New Worlds | Science | Federation | Rare | ||
162 | FALSE | SNW Hemmer | | Unfit To Lead: This Officer does not have a Captain's Maneuver. Equipping this Officer as the captain of a ship provides no benefit. | Fix What Is Broken: SNW Hemmer increases Armor, Shield Deflection, and Dodge by 800% of total Health when in combat with hostile Survey ships. | Telepathic Resolve: SNW Hemmer increases the Health of all Officers on the ship by 70% of their base value. | Strange New Worlds | Engineering | Federation | Epic | |
163 | FALSE | SNW La'an Noonien-Singh | | Unfit To Lead: This Officer does not have a Captain's Maneuver. Equipping this Officer as the captain of a ship provides no benefit. | Warp Overdrive: SNW La'an increases base Warp Speed by 50%. | Secure Logistics: SNW La'an increases the ship's base Max Cargo by 25%. | Strange New Worlds | Engineering | Federation | Rare | |
164 | FALSE | SNW Nyota Uhura | | Critical Targeting: When fighting hostiles, SNW Uhura increases critical hit damage against hostiles by 15%. | Pre-emptive Maneuvers: SNW Uhura increases Armor, Shield Deflection, and Dodge by 500% of total Attack when attacking hostile Battleships from an Interceptor. | Strange New Worlds | Science | Federation | Rare | ||
165 | FALSE | SNW Spock | | Predictable: When fighting hostiles, SNW Spock decreases hostile critical hit chance by 15%. | Heavy Shields: SNW Spock increases Armor, Shield Deflection, and Dodge by 500% of total Defense when attacking hostile Interceptors from an Explorer. | Strange New Worlds | Science | Federation | Rare | ||
166 | FALSE | SNW Una Chin-Riley | | Modified Weaponry: When fighting hostiles, SNW Una increases base Weapon Damage by 100%. | Engine Redlining: SNW Una increases Impulse Speed by 15. | Strange New Worlds | Engineering | Federation | Epic | ||
167 | FALSE | Spock | | Logical (+15% to the ship’s Accuracy at the start of each Round) | Illogical (25% of total Officer Defense on the ship restored to the Shield when having Morale) | Enterprise Crew | Science | Federation | Rare | ||
168 | FALSE | Stonn | | Ore Miner (+40% to Ore mining rate) | Pack Rat (+ to Cargo size) | Surveyors & Miners | Engineering | Federation | Rare | ||
169 | FALSE | Strike Team SNW La'an | | Targeting Optimization: While on a Battleship fighting a Burning player ship, at the start of each round Strike Team SNW La'an increases the number of shots per Weapon by 10%. | Shield Backdoor: While on a Battleship fighting a player ship, each time your ship hits with a weapon, Strike Team SNW La'an has a 60% chance of Burning it for 3 rounds. | Battleship Strike Team | Command | Federation | Epic | ||
170 | FALSE | Strike Team SNW Ortegas | | Safety Coefficients: When shot by a player Explorer, Strike Team SNW Ortegas has 5% chance of Burning them for 3 rounds. | Thermal Modulation: While on a Battleship fighting a player ship, Strike Team SNW Ortegas causes weapons shot by them to have a 40% chance of having their next attack delayed by 1 round. | Battleship Strike Team | Engineering | Federation | Rare | ||
171 | FALSE | Strike Team SNW Una | | Team Profiling: While in combat against a player Explorer, Strike Team SNW Una increases all Officer stats by 130% each round. | Crush Their Hopes: While on a Battleship fighting a player ship, Strike Team SNW Una decreases their Shield Mitigation by 25% each round. | Battleship Strike Team | Science | Federation | Rare | ||
174 | FALSE | Tal | | Loyal Officer (+20% Damage against battleships) | Resistance (– of the opponent’s Hull Health decrease each turn while it is Burning) | Romulan Patriots | Engineering | Romulan | Rare | ||
175 | FALSE | Tasha Yar | | Security Officer: Tasha Yar reduces the Crit Chance of Mission Hostiles (yellow hostiles) by 10%. | Code of Honor: Tasha Yar increases all Weapon Damage against non-player targets by 10%. | TNG Crew | Engineering | Federation | Rare | ||
176 | FALSE | Ten of Eleven | | Multiplicative Extraction (+50% to Parsteel, Tritanium and Dilithium Mining Speed) | Tribble Mining Collective (+ to Mining Speed) | Unimatrix Twelve | Engineering | Borg | Epic | ||
178 | FALSE | Three of Eleven | | Efficient Gas Acquisition: Three Of Eleven increases Gas mining speed by 60%. | Resource Protection Protocols: Three Of Eleven increases Protected Cargo by 300%. | Unimatrix Twelve | Command | Borg | Epic | ||
179 | FALSE | Tilly | | The Power of Math: At the start of combat, when defending from a player attack, Tilly decreases the opponent's Shield Health by 10% of its starting Shield Health. | Hold Your Horses! Every time the ship is hit by an opponent's weapon attack, Tilly has a 30% chance to decrease the opponent's officers Attack by 15% (cumulative) | Discovery Crew | Engineering | Federation | Uncommon | ||
180 | FALSE | Tiza | | Security Breach: When fighting Eclipse hostiles (including Armada Targets), for the first three rounds of combat, Tiza decreases the Shield Mitigation of the opponent by 4% | Mirani Technology: When fighting Eclipse hostiles (including Armadas), Tiza has a 35% chance to increase Shield Deflection, Armor and Dodge by 100% for the whole combat. | Mudd’s Company | Command | Neutral | Common | ||
172 | FALSE | T’Laan | | Thorough Scans (+15% more Ship XP from fighting hostiles) | Objective Defense (– to Kinetic Damage dealt by enemy Hostiles) | Starfleet Academy | Science | Federation | Common | ||
182 | FALSE | Tomalak | | Patient Tactician: While cloaked, Tomalak increases Armor Piercing, Shield Penetration, and Accuracy by 100%. | Death Over Disgrace: Tomalak increases Weapon Damage against Klingon targets by 25% of total Crew Attack. | Pride of Romulus | Command | Romulan | Rare | ||
183 | FALSE | TOS Hikaru Sulu | | Optimist At Heart: At the start of each round, TOS Hikaru Sulu has a 55% chance of inspiring Morale for one round. | I’ll Protect You! If the ship is an Explorer, at the start of each turn, if the ship has Morale, TOS Hikaru Sulu increases its Critical Hit Chance by 6% for that round. | TOS Enterprise Crew | Command | Federation | Rare | ||
184 | FALSE | TOS James T. Kirk | | 3D Strategist: When fighting players, at the start of each turn, as long as the ship has Morale, TOS James T. Kirk increases the damage of energy weapons by 50% of the total Defense of all Officers on the ship (cumulative). | It’s all we have to go on: At the start of each round, if the ship's Health is above 30% of its starting value, TOS James T. Kirk has a 75% chance to inspire Morale to the ship for this round. | TOS Enterprise Crew | Command | Federation | Epic | ||
185 | FALSE | TOS Leonard McCoy | | We’re Rescuing You! When defending, TOS Leonard McCoy increases the Shield Deflection, Armor, and Dodge of the ship by 300% of the Health of all Officers on the ship. | Just An Old Country Doctor: If the ship is an Explorer, TOS Leonard McCoy increases the Attack, Defense, and Health of all Officers on the ship by 20%. | TOS Enterprise Crew | Science | Federation | Rare | ||
186 | FALSE | TOS Montgomery Scott | | A Garbage Scow!! TOS Scotty increases the Warp Range of Explorers by 4. | She’ll launch on time: TOS Scotty increases the Repair Cost Efficiency of the ship by 10%. | TOS Enterprise Crew | Engineering | Federation | Rare | ||
187 | FALSE | TOS Nyota Uhura | | Sorry, Neither: When fighting players, as long as the ship has Morale, TOS Nyota Uhura decreases the opponent's Critical Hit Chance by 10%. | Modulation Frequency Found: When fighting players, as long as the ship has Morale, TOS Nyota Uhura removes 8% from the Shield Mitigation of the opponent's ship. | TOS Enterprise Crew | Engineering | Federation | Rare | ||
189 | FALSE | TOS Spock | | Live Long: When defending, at the start of each turn, TOS Spock restores Shield Health to an amount equal to 100% of the Defense of the Officers on the ship (restores the Shield Health of all your ships if the ship is defending the station). | Prosper: When fighting players, as long as the ship has Morale, TOS Spock decreases the Critical Hit Damage bonus of the opponent's ship by 50%. | TOS Enterprise Crew | Science | Federation | Epic | ||
173 | FALSE | T’Pring | | Gas Miner (+40% to Gas mining rate) | Hidden Stash (+ to Protection of the Cargo) | Surveyors & Miners | Command | Federation | Rare | ||
191 | FALSE | Two of Eleven | | Storage Optimization: Two of Eleven increases the Cargo size of the ship by 20%. | Extraction Protocol: Two of Eleven increases the rate of Crystal, Gas, and Ore Mining by 50%. | Unimatrix Twelve | Science | Borg | Rare | ||
192 | FALSE | Vartoq | | Interceptor Specialist (+20% to Weapon Damage of Interceptors against players) | Kinetic Boost (+ to Kinetic Weapon Damage against other player’s ships) | Glory in the Kill | Command | Klingon | Common | ||
193 | FALSE | Vel K’Bentayr | | Dilithium Hunter (+25% to Dilithium rewards from Hostiles) | Chirurgical Precision (+ to Kinetic damage against Hostiles) | Starfleet Academy | Science | Federation | Common | ||
194 | FALSE | Vella | | Overmatch (+10% Damage if the opponent is an Explorer) | Sturdy Companion (+ to Health for all Officers on this ship) | Nero’s Crew | Science | Romulan | Uncommon | ||
195 | FALSE | Vemet | | Romulan Tenacity (The ship can resurrect with 5% of the ship’s hull health) | Feel the Heat (% of total Officer Health deducted from the Shield Health of a Burning ship each round) | Nero’s Crew | Science | Romulan | Rare | ||
196 | FALSE | Vixis | | Fake Communiques (6% chance to delay opponent’s Weapons each round for 1 round) | Energy Absorption (– less Energy Damage from player enemies) | Glory in the Kill | Science | Klingon | Uncommon | ||
197 | FALSE | Wesley Crusher | | When The Bough Breaks: Wesley Crusher increases Weapon Damage against Hostiles and Armadas by 100% of Crew Attack. | Traveler’s Scion: Wesley Crusher increases his own stats by 20%. | TNG Crew | Engineering | Federation | Rare | ||
199 | FALSE | William T. Riker | | Vibrant Authority: William T. Riker increases Weapon Damage against Armada Targets by 100% every round (cumulative). | The Icarus Factor: William T. Riker increases Weapon Damage against Federation Hostiles and Federation Armadas by 100%. | TNG Crew | Command | Federation | Epic | ||
200 | FALSE | Worf | | Headlong Into Battle: After winning a battle, Worf increases the Warp Speed of the ship by 70%. This bonus does not stack, and is removed when returning to your station. | Only Fools Have No Fear: Worf increases all Mitigation stats against non-player targets by 20%. | TNG Crew | Command | Federation | Rare | ||
201 | FALSE | Woteln | | Scattering Field (+10% to Damage if the opponent is a Battleship) | Interceptor Affinity (+ to Dodge when aboard an Interceptor) | Klingon Patriots | Science | Klingon | Uncommon | ||
202 | FALSE | Yan’agh | | Klingon Tactics (10% to damage after depleting the opponent’s Shield Health) | Wolf among the ships (% of the crew’s Health bonus in Damage against Romulan ships) | Blood & Honor | Engineering | Klingon | Uncommon | ||
203 | FALSE | Yuki Sulu | | Disrupting Field (-10% to the Shield Health of the opponent’s ship each round) | Romulan Grudge (% of the crew’s Health bonus to Damage against Romulans) | Section 31 | Engineering | Federation | Rare | ||
204 | FALSE | Zahra | | Station Expert (+10% to ship Hull Health when defending the Station) | Home Engineer (+ to Damage dealt when defending the Station) | Auxiliary Controls | Engineering | Federation | Common | ||
9 | TRUE | B'Elanna Torres | | Unfit To Lead: This Officer does not have a Captain's Maneuver. Equipping this Officer as the captain of a ship provides no benefit. | Me Against The Galaxy: When you take damage from a non-Player hostile or Armada, B'Elanna increases your Armor Piercing, Shield Piercing, and Accuracy by 250% of Attack for 1 round. (cumulative). | Knock it Down: 10% chance each round to apply Hull Breach to non-Player hostiles or Armada for 1 round. | Voyager | Engineering | Federation | Rare | Engineer, Analytical |
17 | TRUE | Borg Queen | | Not Perceived as a Threat: This Officer does not have a Captain's Maneuver. Equipping this Officer as the captain of a ship provides no benefit. | Chaos Into Order: While fighting against a Borg Solo Armada, upon receiving Hull Damage from an enemy shot, increase Critical Hit Chance by 2% (Cumulative). | The One Who is Many: While fighting a player ship with Assimilate, Borg Queen increases the ship's Armor Piercing, Shield Piercing and Accuracy by 150% each round (Cumulative). | Unimatrix Twelve | Command | Borg | Epic | Assimilated, Ruthless, Intimidating |
27 | TRUE | Chakotay | | Visionary: Increases the number of shots of your ship's weapons by 40% versus Armadas. | Maquis Strike: Increases the Critical Hit Chance of your ship by 8% for 2 rounds each time you score a hit versus Armadas. | Voyager | Command | Federation | Epic | Advisor, Dedicated, Empathic | |
29 | TRUE | Changeling Kira | | Tactical Infiltration: Changeling Kira decreases critical hit chance of Cardassian Armadas by 2% every round (Cumulative). | Know Your Enemy: Changeling Kira decreases Armor, Shield Deflection, and Dodge of Armadas by 10% of Attack every time you hit it with a weapon. | Deep Space Nine | Science | Federation | Rare | Uncompromising, Patriotic | |
37 | TRUE | Dezoc | | Not Perceived as a Threat: This Officer does not have a Captain's Maneuver. Equipping this Officer as the captain of a ship provides no benefit. | Chokepoint: While fighting against a Borg Solo Armada, increase all Officer stats by 10% for the duration of combat. | Adapt and Assimilate: At the start of each round, if opponents Hull health is below 95%, Dezoc has 40% chance to apply Assimilate to it for 4 rounds. | Unimatrix Twelve | Science | Borg | Rare | Assimilated, Physicist |
38 | TRUE | Dixon Hill | | On a Case: This Officer does not have a Captain's Maneuver. Equipping this Officer as the captain of a ship provides no benefit. | The Dixon Deflection: While defending a mining node, Dixon Hill reduces the opponent's Shield Mitigation every round by 5%. (This ability can stack) | Digging the Dirt: Dixon Hill increases base Mining Speed by 30%. | Holodeck | Science | Federation | Rare | Resourceful, Miner |
56 | TRUE | Ghalenar | | Not Perceived as a Threat: This Officer does not have a Captain's Maneuver. Equipping this Officer as the captain of a ship provides no benefit. | We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Helmet: Ghalenar increases the Faction Reputation gained from Federation, Klingon and Romulan hostiles by 5%. | What’s Theirs is Ours: Ghalenar increases Actian Venom and Inert Nanoprobe loot dropped from hostiles by 10% of their base value. | Unimatrix Twelve | Science | Borg | Rare | Assimilated, Thief |
60 | TRUE | Gossa | | Not Perceived as a Threat: This Officer does not have a Captain's Maneuver. Equipping this Officer as the captain of a ship provides no benefit. | Programmed to Evolve: When fighting against a Borg Solo Armada, at the start of each round reduce target's Critical Damage by 5% for 1 round. | Closer to Perfection: While fighting a player ship with Assimilate, Gossa increases the ship's Armor, Shield Deflection and Dodge by 125% each round (Cumulative). | Unimatrix Twelve | Engineering | Borg | Rare | Assimilated, Thief |
66 | TRUE | Harry Kim | | Unfit To Lead: This Officer does not have a Captain's Maneuver. Equipping this Officer as the captain of a ship provides no benefit. | Are We Friends? Harry Kim increases all positive Reputation gains by 7%. | To the Journey! At the start of a round, Harry Kim has a 10% chance to apply Morale to your ship for 1 round when fighting non-Player hostiles or Armadas. | Voyager | Science | Federation | Rare | Resourceful, Cautious |
71 | TRUE | Hugh | | Unfit To Lead: This Officer does not have a Captain's Maneuver. Equipping this Officer as the captain of a ship provides no benefit. | Flee the Collective: Hugh increases the Impulse Speed of your ship by 5%. | Resist and Retaliate: Hugh has 45% chance to increase Critical Hit Chance by 25% for 2 rounds after being hit by a Hostile. (This ability can stack) (Weapons with multiple shots will only trigger this ability once per attack) | Unimatrix Twelve | Engineering | Borg | Epic | Assimilated, Survivor, Leader |
73 | FALSE | Ikat'ika | | Honored Elder: Ikat'ika increases all Mitigation stats by 20% for 1 Round every Round when when fighting players, if on an Explorer. | Created To Win: Ikat'ika increases Weapon Damage by 53% at the start of each Round for 3 Rounds when fighting players, if on an Explorer with Morale. | Explorer Strike Team | Science | Neutral | Rare | Security, Tactical | |
76 | FALSE | Jadzia Dax | | Keen Eye: Jadzia Dax increases Shield Piercing, Armor Piercing and Accuracy by 700% of Officers Health against Solo Armadas. | Warrior Spirit: Jadzia Dax increases Weapon Damage by 300% of Officer Health against Solo Armadas. | Deep Space Nine | Engineering | Federation | Epic | ||
84 | FALSE | Julian Bashir | | Surgical Precision: Julian Bashir increases Critical Hit Damage by 50% against Solo Armadas. | Steady Hand: Julian Bashir increases Critical Hit Chance by 20% against Solo Armadas. | Deep Space Nine | Science | Federation | Rare | ||
87 | FALSE | Kathryn Janeway | | Red Alert! Raise Shields! When you take hull damage from a non-Player hostile or Armada, Kathryn Janeway increases your Shield Mitigation by 6% for 1 round. (cumulative). | Bend the Rules: At the start of combat, Kathryn Janeway increases your Isolytic Cascade damage by 10% against non-Player hostiles and Armadas. | Voyager | Command | Federation | Epic | ||
119 | FALSE | Neelix | Unfit To Lead: This Officer does not have a Captain's Maneuver. Equipping this Officer as the captain of a ship provides no benefit. | Procurement Consultant: Increases the Cost Efficiency of your ship's active abilities by 40% when assigned to the USS Voyager. | Now We're Cooking: 10% chance each round to apply Burning for 1 round versus non-Player hostiles or Armadas. | Voyager | Science | Federation | Rare | ||
128 | FALSE | Odo | Unfit To Lead: This Officer does not have a Captain's Maneuver. Equipping this Officer as the captain of a ship provides no benefit. | Fluidic Strength: Odo increases base Armor, Shield Deflection, and Dodge by 40% against Solo Armadas. | Right Is Might: Odo increases Critical Hit Damage by 20%. | Deep Space Nine | Command | Federation | Epic | ||
138 | FALSE | PIC Admiral Picard | Seize the time! At the start of a round, Admiral Picard has a 90% chance to apply Morale for 3 rounds against player ships. | This far, no further! Admiral Picard increases your ship base Weapon Damage by 500% on combat start against a player Explorer for the duration of combat. | Picard | Command | Federation | Epic | |||
139 | FALSE | PIC Beverly Crusher | Hands On: This Officer does not have a Captain's Maneuver. Equipping this Officer as the captain of a ship provides no benefit. | Critical Condition: Increases Critical Hit Damage by 3% every time your ship is hit by an attack while fighting Non-Armada Hostiles. (Cumulative) | Organ Donor: Beverly increases the amount of Broken Parts you get from killing hostiles by 10%. | Picard | Science | Federation | Rare | ||
140 | FALSE | PIC Riker | Fire from Will! At the start of a round, Riker has 90% chance to apply Burning for 3 rounds against player ships. | We're through running! Riker increases your ship base Weapon Damage by 500% on combat start against a player Battleship for the duration of combat. | Picard | Command | Federation | Epic | |||
141 | FALSE | PIC Worf | Death to the Opposition! At the start of a round, Worf has 90% chance to apply Hull Breach for 3 rounds against player ships. | Assimilate this! Worf increases your ship base Weapon Damage by 500% on combat start against a player Interceptor for the duration of combat. | Picard | Command | Federation | Epic | |||
142 | FALSE | Pon | Lost in Translation: Pon has a 10% chance at the start of combat to delay opponent weapons for 3 Rounds when attacked by players, if your ship is an Explorer. | Breen Served Cold: Pon decreases opponent player's Critical Chance by 52% at the start of each Round for 3 Rounds if on an Explorer with Morale. | Explorer Strike Team | Engineering | Neutral | Rare | |||
156 | FALSE | Seven of Nine | Chain of Command: This Officer does not have a Captain's Maneuver. Equipping this Officer as the captain of a ship provides no benefit. | Fun Will Now Commence: Increases your ship's Critical Hit Damage by 80% versus Armadas. | Tertiary Adjunct: Increases your ship's Isolytic Cascade by 12% versus players. | Voyager | Command | Federation | Epic | ||
177 | FALSE | The Doctor | Unfit To Lead: This Officer does not have a Captain's Maneuver. Equipping this Officer as the captain of a ship provides no benefit. | Over My Dead Program: When you take hull damage from a non-Player hostile or Armada, The Doctor increases your Armor, Shield Deflection, and Dodge by 300% of Health for 2 rounds. (cumulative). | Renaissance Man: Increases all resources dropped by hostiles by 15%. | Voyager | Science | Federation | Epic | ||
181 | FALSE | Tom Paris | Unfit To Lead: This Officer does not have a Captain's Maneuver. Equipping this Officer as the captain of a ship provides no benefit. | Too Stubborn to Die: When you take damage from a non-Player hostile or Armada, Tom Paris increases your Critical Hit damage by 5% for 1 round. (cumulative). | War's Almost Over: At the start of combat against non-Player hostiles or Armadas, Tom Paris increases your Armor, Shield Deflection, and Dodge by 200% of Defense. | Voyager | Engineering | Federation | Rare | ||
190 | FALSE | Tuvok | Chain of Command: This Officer does not have a Captain's Maneuver. Equipping this Officer as the captain of a ship provides no benefit. | Artifact Analysis: Increases the amount of Artifact Tokens gained from Formation Armadas by 80%. | Logical Logistics: Increases your ship's Cargo Capacity by 100% of base if your ship is the USS Voyager. | Voyager | Science | Federation | Rare | ||
198 | FALSE | Weyoun | Silver Tongue: On round start, Weyoun has a 20% chance to apply Morale for 3 rounds when fighting against players, if on an Explorer. | Manipulate, Cajole, Deceive: Weyoun increases Weapon Shots by +76% at the start of each Round for 2 Rounds when fighting players, if on an Explorer with Morale. | Explorer Strike Team | Command | Neutral | Epic |
Star Trek Fleet Command Officer Factions
There are currently five different officer factions and a neutral group within STFC.
Augment Faction Officers
Augment officers are great for base raiding and attacking player stations. The focal point of their abilities are to mitigate the attack of any station or ships defending it.
- Rima
- Pan
- Navi
- Otto
- Marla McGivers
- Kati
- Joachim
- Joaquin
- Khan Noonien Singh
Federation Faction Officers
Federation officers are primarily focused on defense or endurance. The focal point of their abilities are to outlast their opponent and mitigate their attack.
They generally do best in explorer ships.
- Alexander Marcus
- Arkady Ivanov
- Cadet Hikaru Sulu
- Cadet Leonard McCoy
- Cadet Montgomery Scott
- Cadet Nyota Uhura
- Carol Marcus
- Christopher Pike
- Frank Leslie
- Gaila
- Gary Mitchell
- Geoffrey Hadley
- Grace Chen
- Hendorff
- Hikaru Sulu
- Instructor Spock
- Jabilo M’Benga
- James T. Kirk
- John Harrison
- Keenser
- Leonard McCoy
- Lucia Gonzales
- Mae Darwin
- Marlena Moreau
- Montgomery Scott
- Nyota Uhura
- Officer 0718
- Paul Zhou
- Shev Akria
- Spock
- T’Laan
- Vel K’Bentayr
- Yuki Sulu
- Zahra
Klingon Faction Officers
Klingon officers are primarily focused on attack and increased weapons damage. The focal point of their abilities are to end the fight as fast as possible.
They generally are best for interceptor ships.
- Azetbur
- Chang
- Gorkon
- K’Bisch
- Kang
- Kerla
- Klaa
- Komal
- Koth
- Kras
- Krell
- Kuron
- Linkasa
- M’Ral
- Mara
- Qa’ug
- Rukor
- Vartoq
- Vixis
- Woteln
- Yan’agh
Neutral Faction Officers
Neutral faction officers are generally made up of miners and former Borg captures that have been unassimilated.
- Barot
- Eight of Ten
- Five of Ten
- Nine of Ten
- One of Ten
- Seven of Ten
- Six Of Ten
- Stonn
- T’Pring
- Ten of Ten
Rogues Faction Officers
Currently the only Rouge faction officer is Harry Mudd. Not much is known about this faction group. More officers will probably be added in future updates.
- Harry Mudd
Romulan Faction Officers
Romulan officers are primarily focused on health and a combination of defense and offense. Their primary focus is the bolstering of battleships and decreasing the defensive ability of an opponent’s ship.
They generally do best in battleships.
- Arix
- D’jaoki
- Decius
- Domitia
- Helvia
- Javaid
- Kumak
- L’Nar
- Liviana
- Livis
- Mirek
- Nero
- Severus
- Tal
- Vella
- Vemet
Star Trek Fleet Command Officer Synergy
Understanding crew synergy can help give you a strong edge when planning out your ships crew. It doesn’t mean that a crew with synergy bonus will always be better. But it is definitely something you need to understand and take into consideration
What is crew synergy?
Synergy is a bonus that can occur amongst the bridge officers when they are from the same group. It provides a varying bonus to the bridge crew members and can greatly increase their captain or officer abilities. It can be maximized by having bridge officers from the same group and complimentary classes.
Maximum Boost
Captain has two different officer types placed next to them that do not match their own type (e.g. Science – Command – Engineer)
Medium Boost
Captain has two officers of the same type next to them that do not match their own type (e.g. Science – Command – Science)
Minimal Boost
Captain has two officers of the same type next to them and also match their own type (e.g. Command – Command – Command)

Max Crew Synergy.

Crew Synergy is not maxed.
Star Trek Fleet Command Officer Groups
There are currently 15 different officer groups in Star Trek Fleet Command.
Star Trek Fleet Command Best Crew Setups
When placing officers on a ship, in most cases they tend to complement ships where the primary offensive or defensive focus are aligned. E.g. Uhura boosts accuracy, which is the primary offensive attribute of the Explorer class ships.
Below are some of the best crew combinations for different situations. Keep in mind no one group is always best. Since officer level and research upgrades play a factor.
Best Crew for Swarm
T’Laan / Cadet Uhura / Instructor Spock
My personal favorite crew for Swarm.
Moreau / Pike / Chen
If you have leveled up Pike. Then this crew combo can do better.
Best Crew for Vidar/Borg
Moreau / Chen / T’Laan
For low level Borg or when you don’t have Pike.
Moreau / Pike / T’Laan
For higher level Borg where battles last longer.
Moral Crew / Forever Shield
Spock / Kirk / Bones
Keep in mind. Shield piercing is why the ship would continue to receive hull damage despite the shield health being at 100%.
PVP or High Level Hostiles
The below crew setup is with PvP or long lasting battles in mind. Not necessarily best for hostile grinding.
Best Base Cracking Crew
Khan / Joachim / Marla McGivers
Use an Interceptor or Battleship.
Joachim / Otto / Kati
If you don’t have Khan yet. Use this setup. Best for Interceptor or Battleship.
Best Crew for Interceptor
Gorkon / Kerla / Harrsion
Swap in Wotlen for Harrsion if you don’t have the former.
Best Crew for Battleship
Javaid / Livis / Harrison
*Swap in Arix for Harrsion if you don’t have the former.
Best Crew for Explorer
Kirk / Bones / Spock
Best General PvP Crew
Kras / Klaa / plus any of the following (Vixis, Komal, Rukor, Vartoq)
Best Crew for Hostile Grinding
Gonzales / Moreau / Gaila
Crews for Mining Resources
The following officers each have unique mining abilities and you want to utilize them based on different mining situations.
Such as mining in hostile systems where there is a good chance of getting blown up and you need a sturdy ship or one with lots of protected cargo. Versus peaceful mining where you can focus more on maximizing your cargo hold.
Mining Gas
- Tpring (C), 10 of 10, and Stonn
Mining Ore
- Stonn (C), Tpring, and 10 of 10 on a Horizon (13k per hr) 43k protected
Mining Crystal
- Barot (C), Tpring, and 10 of 10 on a Horizon (13k per hr) 43k protected
Mining Data
- Joachin (C), Tpring, and 10 of 10