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Who’s That Officer?

Answers to STFC May 6 latest event.


Epic officer with the captain trait. First served as an Ensign on board the USS Republic (NCC-1371).

Answer A: TOS Kirk
Destroy 5 hostiles in zamam system

Is a Rare officer. Befriended an intergalactic Traveler.

Answer B: Wesley
Mine 1 Tritanium in any system

An Epic officer with a unique empathic ability.

Answer B: Troi
Use 1 speed-up

Has the tactical trait. Has a positronic brain.

Answer A: Data
Destroy 5 hostiles in Nilkino system

A Rare officer. Has a son named Alexander.

Answer A: Worf
Destroy 5 hostiles in Orion system

Has the Genius trait. Served aboard the USS Stargazer.

Answer A: Picard
Destroy 5 hostiles in Rua system

Recruited James T. Kirk after a bar fight.

Answer D: Pike
Mine 1 Tritanium in any system

Epic officer with the captain trait. First served as an Ensign on board the USS Republic (NCC-1371).

Answer B: Khan
Destroy 5 hostiles in Collep system

Who’s That Officer? | Answers to STFC’s latest Scrambled Communications event | by Rev